Personal UV Dosimetry - body distribution

In this study we have measured the personal exposure to erythemally effective solar UV radiation on different body parts during different activities:

Aim of this study is to find conversion factors for measurements made at a certain body part to others.
With these the exposure of the whole body can be estimated.
Generalization of our results is done by providing ratios of personal exposure and ambient UV radiation during different activities.

1. Step: Calibration of the personal dosimeters in front of the sun.

2. Mounting

Weihs P, Schmalwieser A, Reinisch C, Meraner E, Walisch S, Harald M.
Measurements of personal UV exposure on different parts of the body during various activities.
Photochem Photobiol. 2013 Jul-Aug;89(4):1004-7. doi: 10.1111/php.12085.


Last modification: August, 2017 by alois.schmalwieser(at)