SCIENTIFIC SERVICES - Non-ionising/Optical Radiation (200-800nm)
Daily Sun Protection Forecast
Measurements of Sun Protection Factors (SPF)
Personal Dosimetry
Characterisation of UV sensors and radiometers (200-800nm)
Characterisation of Radiation Sources (200nm-800nm)
Transmission and Absorption Measurements of opaque materials and fluids
On-side measurements
Data Visualisation, Analysis and Modelling
We offer a daily Forecast for Sun Protection (Sun Protection Factor, UV-Index, Sun Burn Time, ..) as maps or as tabled values,
We offer a daily Forecast for Vitamin D photosynthesis,
We offer a daily Forecast for supoorting heliotherapy of Psoriasis
The Forecasts can also supported by verbal comments.
Our possibilitis range from transmission measurements (glasses, materials, ...) to complete test procedure for sun cremes. Additionally we evaluate the photostability of these.
We provide calibrated electronic devices (e.g. erythemally weigthed),
temporal resolution down to 1 sec.,
and give support in study design as well as in data analysis.
Absolute calibration
Spectral response
Cosine Response
Temperature Sensitivity
Humdity Sensitivity
and others
Spectral characterisation
Evaluation of biological/medical effectiveness using action spectra
Influence of aging
Emittance along the surface
and others
Dose-Response studies can be utilized with monochromatic radiation (200-800nm)
or solar simulated radiation.
Transmission can be measured in the range from 200 to 800nm
Most of the measurements and characterisation can also done on-side.
We provide UV-irradiation devices.
We provide UV-measuring instruments.
We provide experimental setup.
Our possibilities in data visualisation range from producing graphs, maps,..
including statistical analysis
to online visualisation of actually measured data.
Alois W. Schmalwieser
email: alois.schmalwieser(at)
Tel.: +0043-1-25077-4324