Abstract Submission
• The abstract body should be short (200–500 words), clear, concise, and written in English with correct spelling and good sentence structure.
• Mathematical symbols and equations should be avoided. Figures and tables cannot be included.
• Abstracts should be carefully compiled and thoroughly checked, in particular with regard to the list of authors, before submission in order to avoid last minute changes.
• The submission of an abstract carries with it the obligation that it is actually presented at the meeting by the author or, at least, by one of the co-authors.
• The content of ECUVM 2022 abstracts is the responsibility of their authors. Abstracts that are not written in English, do not meet basic standards of scientific quality, or do not adhere to conventional standards of civil discourse and common decency will be rejected.
• The official language of the ECUVM 2022 is English. Simultaneous interpretation is not provided. It is therefore expected that authors are able to present their research more or less fluently in the English language.
• Submit your abstract as attachement by e-mail using „Abstract ECUVM2022“ as subject to: ecuvm2022@vetmeduni.ac.at

Abstract Notes

Plain Text: Use a text editor of your choice to compile your abstract: title, author(s), affiliation(s) of author(s), email of presenting author, and abstract text.
Preferred Presentation Format: Please indicate your preference: „Oral presentation“ or „Poster“. (There is no guarantee that your preference will be accommodated.)
Title: Enter the title of your abstract in upper and lower case.
Author(s): Type each author(s) name all with initial capitals, last name, followed by first and middle initials. Indicate the affiliation by a number within brackets, i.e. Schmalwieser A.W.(1), Gröbner J.(2) and Blumthaler M. (3)
Affiliation(s): Type the affiliation(s) in upper and lower case, starting with the number of the affiliation in brackets. i.e (1) Inst. of Physiology and Biophysics, University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna, Austria (2), PMOD/WRC, Davos, Switzerland,(3) ….
Contact: give the presenting author‘s e-mail address as contact information (It is essential that the e-mail address is accurate because information or questions regarding abstracts and presentations will be sent via e-mail. )
Abstract: The abstract will be published as submitted in the „Final Program“. There should be no margin at the top; keep all text flush left. Submit only a single-paragraph body of the text. The maximum size of the abstract is restricted to 500 words.

Submission: Submit your abstract as attachement by e-mail using „Abstract ECUVM2022“ as subject to: ecuvm2022@vetmeduni.ac.at