Forecast of the UV-INDEX for Europe: ===================================== valid for 28.07.2024 midday The UV-Index gives the intensity of the solar biologically-effective ultraviolet radiation under consideration of the total ozone concentration, the absorption of the atmosphere, the sea level of the site and the time of the year. On basis of the UV-Index the sun burn time for clear sky is calculated for sensitive skin (photobiological skin type 1 or 2). Site Country UV-Index Sun Burn Time (min) clear sky cloudy clear sky ========================================================================= Amsterdam Netherlands 6.9 3.4 19 Ankara Turkey 11.1 5.5 12 Athen Greece 9.6 4.8 13 Baku Aserbaidschan 10.2 5.1 13 Belgrad Serbia 8.6 4.3 15 Berlin Germany 6.9 3.4 19 Bern Switzerland 9.4 4.7 14 Bratislava Slovakia 8.4 4.2 15 Bruessels Belgium 6.0 3.0 21 Bucaresti Rumania 8.9 4.4 14 Budapest Hungary 8.4 4.2 15 Dublin Ireland 6.4 3.2 20 Helsinki Finland 5.0 2.5 26 Istanbul Turkey 9.2 4.6 14 Jerewan Armenia 13.3 6.6 9 Kiew Ukraine 7.2 3.6 18 Kischinew Moldavia 8.3 4.1 15 Kopenhagen Danemark 5.9 2.9 22 La Valetta Malta 9.9 4.9 13 Leningrad Russia 5.0 2.5 26 Lissabon Portugal 9.4 4.7 14 Ljubljana Slowenia 9.1 4.5 14 London United Kingdom 7.3 3.6 18 Luxembourg Luxembourg 8.1 4.0 16 Madrid Spain 9.3 4.6 14 Minsk Belarus 6.4 3.2 20 Monte Carlo Monaco 9.4 4.7 14 Moskau Russia 6.0 3.0 22 Muenchen Germany 8.8 4.4 14 Nikosia Cyprus 10.6 5.3 12 Oslo Norway 5.2 2.6 25 Paris France 8.1 4.0 16 Prag Czech Rep. 7.8 3.9 16 Rekjavik Island 4.1 2.0 31 Riga Latvia 5.6 2.8 23 Roma Italy 9.4 4.7 14 San Marino San Marino 8.8 4.4 15 Sarajewo Bosnia 9.0 4.5 14 Skopje Makedonia 9.9 4.9 13 Sofia Bulgaria 9.5 4.7 13 Stockholm Sweden 5.2 2.6 25 Tallin Estonia 5.1 2.5 25 Tiarana Albania 10.0 5.0 13 Tibilis Georgia 10.7 5.3 12 Venedig Italy 9.5 4.7 14 Vienna Austria 8.4 4.2 15 Vilnius Lithuania 6.1 3.0 21 Warsaw Poland 7.0 3.5 18 Zagreb Croatia 8.7 4.3 15 Lakes and Islands: Balaton Hungary 8.5 4.2 15 Gardasee Italy 9.8 4.9 13 Lugano Italy 9.4 4.7 14 Woerthersee Austria 9.4 4.7 14 Cagliari Sardinia 9.5 4.7 13 Creta Greece 10.3 5.1 12 Gran CanariaCanarian Isl. 10.8 5.4 12 Ibiza Spain 9.5 4.7 13 Mallorca Spain 9.5 4.7 14 Palermo Sizilia 9.6 4.8 13 Rhodos Greece 10.4 5.2 12 Ruegen Germany 6.3 3.1 21 Sylt Germany 6.1 3.0 21 Mediterranean and Near East: Algier Algeria 9.9 4.9 13 Jerusalem Israel 11.7 5.8 11 Kairo Egypt 11.4 5.7 11 Rabat Marocco 10.4 5.2 12 Tunis Tunesia 9.8 4.9 13 Category of the UV-Index UV-Radiation ====================================== less then 4.0 low 4.0 to 6.9 moderate 7.0 to 8.9 high greather then 9.0 extreme (c) Unit of Medical Physics and Biostatistics Vetmeduni Vienna